2001: A space odyssey

Dennis Perrin/Nancy Bauer bauerperrin at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 3 13:17:46 PST 2001

>Anyone have a clue where i might look to find out what the predictions for
>the year 2001 were in 1969 when the flick, 2001: a space odyssey was
>released. A trip to the library is out of the question, at the mo'.

I have a book from 1968 called "Criswell Predicts Your Future From Now To The Year 2000." I don't know if it's what you're looking for, kel, but it's great stuff. Remember Criswell from Ed Wood's "Plan 9 From Outer Space"? ("The future is where we will spend the rest of our lives!") Or from "Orgy of the Dead"? ("She pleases me. Allow her to live in the World of the Snakes.") What about Jeffery Jones's portrayal in Tim Burton's "Ed Wood"? Well, in any event, here's some paraphrased stuff from the book.

By 1981, contraceptive chemicals will be placed in the water systems of every city in the country.

By 1970, homosexual cities will exist, "where perversion will parade shamelessly." (THIS from the Queen himself.)

By 1982, a medical degree will take 6 months to earn.

The Prince of Darkness will reign from 1975 to 1988.

The world will end on August 18, 1999.

Ronald Reagan will not seek re-election in California in 1970. Oh Criswell!


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