According to ( foreigners owned 42% of Hyundai Electronics as of October 11, 2000, after the company had to sell equity to pay down debt after the 1997 crisis. Hardly a zero for the (foreign) silicon rentiers. And the same article says that only 22% of the company is held by other Hyundai group companies. Quite a day for silicon rentiers regardless of national origin, it looks like.
And Micron isn't only in Boise. "The Idaho-based manufacturer also has plants in the US, Italy, Japan and the UK" And Singapore, where it makes half of its chips, so sez:
The NICdom you make reference to is no more.
At 04:36 PM 2001/1/8 -0800, you wrote:
>To witu:
>This is nothing the Korean govenment hasn't been doing for the last, um,
>fifty years, of course. But Micron, coming from Idaho, which a friend of
>mine from Boise says is still very much a raw materials economy (spuds
>and mining), really ought to know better than to pick on a fellow
>-- Dennis