The Confederacy (was Re: questions)

Carl Remick carlremick at
Wed Jan 10 18:39:34 PST 2001

>Chris Kromm wrote:
>>God, what is it with the Southern-bashing on this list?
>Dunno. A PC form of bigotry, like that of Western Europeans towards
>Eastern Europeans? "The Balkans, that dark realm of strange practices
>and ancient hatreds...."

Whatever else might be said about the Balkans, East Europeans have not been in the ascendance over West Europeans for the last three decades or so. Unfortunately, the South has been exercising increasing suzerainty over the rest of the US ever since Kevin Phillips' "Emerging Republican Majority" gave Nixon and all subsequent Republicans a winning game plan focused on the geography and values of the old Confederacy. Of course, the Democrats have benefited richly from the South's new political punch, too -- as attested to by such giants of progressive thinking as Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

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