Mike Pugiliese(Taos Hum/Project ELF)

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Sat Jan 13 09:15:17 PST 2001

Heh, must be the same hum that set off the Columbine killers! Mohr here below must mean HAARP, not HARP, btw, I would think. http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/haarp/ HIGH FREQUENCYACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH PROGRAM http://www.earthpulse.com/haarp/ Biohazards of Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF ...

Michael Pugliese P.S. Yesterday at Borders on one of the new books tables a new one by Tim LaHaye and (Mind Siege Tim F. LaHaye David Noebel sales rank at bn.com 44,284 ) the author of Marxist Minstels (on Dylan, P. Ochs, J. Baez, etc.) and many other works. One of the blurbs on the the back cover from Rep. Asa Hutchison thanks one of Noebel's works from the 70's for getting him active in politics. This webpg. for Jack Mohr, which I just found is a treasure trove of far right conspiranoia. http://www.christianbiblestudy.org/OPS/JM/ Love seeing the infamous hoax from Kenneth Goff reputedly a speech of Beria on Psychopolitics. On Bolshie Brainwashing techniques. http://www.christianbiblestudy.org/OPS/JM/jm0020a.htm http://www.christianbiblestudy.org/OPS/JM/jmhutlet.htm Crusade for Christ COL. GORDON "Jack" MOHR, AUS RET. 800 Napa Valley Rd., #197 Little Rock, AR 72211 (501) 228-5314

May 14, 1999

Senator Tim Hutchinson, U.S. Senate Rep. Asa Hutchinson, U.S. House of Representatives

Dear Hutchinson Brothers:

>...The tragedy at Littleton, Colorado, that received so much attention and
publicity from the President, where he hypocritically plead with American youth for moral standards, when he has none, said nothing about the government HARP experiments which have been going on in Alaska for several years, and which are used as a tool for "mind control." haven't spoken about them and neither has the controlled media. Could it be that the two young murderers at Littleton were victims of this experimentation? Several knowledgeable men have wondered why all the violent attacks have taken place in mostly conservative White schools. While Blacks who have been scientifically proven to be more prone to violence have not been touched? Something is dramatically amiss here?...

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