Who Rules America Today? (was Re: On the Defense of Parasitic Finance)

Max Sawicky sawicky at epinet.org
Sat Jan 13 11:19:53 PST 2001

. . . Finance dominates production because finance is the means by which ownership is organized in a modern economy. How in god's name do you propose to attack this without taking on the whole capitalist class? Doug

I was provoked to engage this by the anti-semitism canards in re: populism and finance.

This is a reform vs. revolution debate in disguise. I am going to pass on further explications of the practicalities of reform effort. It is true, reform does assumes you can fix things in pieces. I have no problem with people taking the opposite position, but to freight a reform position pertaining to finance with anti-semitism is, to quote my idol Ed Koch, ri-dic-u-lous.


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