Paul Valery, Charles Fourier, & Michael Perelman

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at
Sat Jan 13 12:25:07 PST 2001

This is a quick note since I am work--but the shop is slow today.

Cycling is great for thinking. I don't know why, but it frees the mind to think rather than be aware of the pain. A lot of my longer posts were actually composed on a ride.

Carrol's nightmare. This is quite funny. I had a recurring dream for years. I would dream that I had signed up for some seminar or course and had forgotten I was registered, until in the middle of the dream, then I would feel seized by paranoia--I would be convinced a paper was due on some subject I had forgotten,.. Suddenly I would wake up in a panic, my god, what I am doing here? Where is that damn class, who was the prof, what were we supposed to be doing? Very weird. And this was long after I was out of school. Obviously, I hadn't finished my education, even though I had finished the degree. And so that's another thing that is never finished--education.

Chuck Grimes

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