Who Rules America Today? (was Re: On the Defense of Parasitic Finance)

Peter van Heusden pvh at egenetics.com
Mon Jan 15 01:23:15 PST 2001

On Sat, 13 Jan 2001, Max Sawicky wrote:

> . . . Finance dominates production because finance is the means by which
> ownership is organized in a modern economy. How in god's name do you propose
> to attack this without taking on the whole capitalist class? Doug
> I was provoked to engage this by the anti-semitism
> canards in re: populism and finance.

Just a quick interjection - the attribution is the wrong way round, partly because of how I reffed. my sources. I was mentioning Postone's thought from his leaflet on anti-Semitism, which focussed on the peculiarity of anti-Semitism (i.e. it is not just 'hate' or 'racism', etc.).

I then was trying to talk about the links between Postone's thought and other positions on the finance vs. productive debate, which relate much more to Postone's position with regards to others in that debate (in my mind linked to the development of e.g. Castoriadis' ideas and the move away from producerism and the idea of class as definitional (i.e. workers are like such)). All topics I find interesting and are filed in my mind under a heading of autonomism/anti-Keynesianism/etc. This was not meant to relate to anti-Semitism - at least not in this debate. Or rather, this debate should be possible without making claims about any participant's anti-Semitism.

Peter -- Peter van Heusden <pvh at egenetics.com> NOTE: I do not speak for my employer, Electric Genetics "Criticism has torn up the imaginary flowers from the chain not so that man shall wear the unadorned, bleak chain but so that he will shake off the chain and pluck the living flower." - Karl Marx, 1844 OpenPGP: 1024D/0517502B : DE5B 6EAA 28AC 57F7 58EF 9295 6A26 6A92 0517 502B

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