
Justin Schwartz jkschw at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 19 08:04:29 PST 2001

Back to the woodshed with you. This opinion is extarordinarily ignorant; it's like saying that Abigail van Buren is a better philosopher than Quine because Quine doesn't offer advice on how to live. If you can't hear the structure of Parker's workm you need to educate your ear. --jks

>On the other hand, I quite agree with Doug that Madonna (or the
>conglomerate who manufactures the songs which she-with the help of
>terabytes of of signal processing software-manages to croak out onto a
>hard-drive) is probably a better "composer" than Charlie Parker.
>M's "compositions" are more tightly constructed, have more formal variety
>(not much, but Parker's have virtually none), have more interesting
>basslines-both rhythmically and melodically, occassionally have an
>asymettrical phrase structure-if I remember correctly, (anyone know of a
>five-measure phrase in a Parker improvisation?) etc.

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