On the important French Fry Question

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Sat Jan 20 09:44:45 PST 2001

At 11:03 AM 1/20/01 -0600, Maureen Anderson wrote:
>McDonald's fries _rule_. I speak as a connoisseur who's done serious
>sampling on four continents. With the exception of the maquis restaurants
>along the West African coast (it's the palm oil -- oh they're sublime)
>McDonalds' fries, when they're fresh and hot, truly are hard to beat.
>It's occasionally been suggested to me that a childhood of working class
>Irish cuisine [sic] has rather biased my judgement here. But I was
>vindicated a few years ago when a local Chicago magazine did a fries cover
>story and polled all sorts of Leading Citizens and five-star chefs on
>their favorite fries in the area. An incredibly high percentage,
>including a couple of the Escoffier-esque chefs, cited MacDonalds.
>Though I'm with Charles: Burger King's burgers are better and this can be
>a dilemma.

huh. i can't even remember the last time i had fastfood burgers and fries. i think it's that i'm too cheap! but here's a tip, culled from some informal research done by a former boss (back when i was a waitress). he read that the lg. and reg. fry sizes aren't that different. so, he spent a day driving around to all the mcdonald's in the area, buy one of each size at different stores. brought them back and weighed them all and sho'nuf, there wasn't enough of a difference to speak -- and surely not worth the extra $. :)

ahhhh, what a guy he was. former greenwich village commie from back in the daze, turned reagan loving libertarian in his old age.

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