The alleged "Racak Massacre"

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Tue Jan 23 09:59:32 PST 2001 (beginning of thread)
>The point of questioning Racak is not to say Milosevic wasn't killing
>in Kosovo (which he undeniably was)...

I think that's a bit naive: few of those questioning Racak are also pointing out that there were other massacres...

Brad DeLong

Me here, (beating my dead horse doubtless), Jared Israel and David Rohde of the NYT who got a Pulitzer for his reporting on the massacre of 7,000 or so Muslims in Srbenica had a debate on Australian Broadcasting Corp. last yr. An hour of Jared shouting , "You Lie! (if I counted it would've been over 50 times) and, "Islamist Fascist Terrorist, " about a dozen times, at least. He briefly posted the URL for the Real Audio file on tenc. Must have found it too embarrassing after a while, so he took it off. (Oh good, it's back on! What sick shit. Jared totally denies any killing by the Bosnian Serb forces in Srbenica. Oh, and Serb men are incapable of raping. (See the archives of M-Fem at csf for June, 2000) Such seems the route a few take when the lies of LBJ curdle one's consciousness to such an extent that one believes the lies of the supposed enemy of your enemy. Whateveh, folks like Jared are incapable of nuance or seeing the crimes of those who mouth anti-imperialist phrases about the New World Order while acting like the thieves and the thugs they are. He wouldn't believe any videotape or forensic evidence of any kind that implicates St. Milosevic, Karazdic, Kristic, Mladic, Arkan in anything.

Michael Pugliese

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