aids: hiv and its co-factors

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Fri Jan 26 09:38:10 PST 2001

>>> sperry at 01/26/01 11:44AM >>
on the other hand, i've seen no one link the rise of hiv/aids to another potential (and completely sensible) co-factor: ozone depletion and the consequent increase in UV rays, one effect of which is to weaken the mammalian immune system. as a footnote, has anyone else noticed the apparently increased incidence of other immune-deficiency disorders in the past 20 years, and not only among humans?


CB: Well, that will probably give Jim H. double apoplexy.


i've got plenty of anecdotal evidence rattling round my head--for one, an incident in the early '90s when a large number of south seas dolphins began turning up dead of an unspecified immune system disfunction; also a simian aids-like disease, feline leukemia, etc.--but i don't know whether they add up to a genuine empirical phenomenon, or merely a heightened awareness of immune-related disorders in the wake of aids.

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