Kosova Redux (in re Panama)

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Mon Jan 29 14:02:53 PST 2001

"Yes, pluueze, plueeze, bomb us with your Mirage III!! More than anywhere else in the world, America is in desperate need of a really good bombing..."

Would one dare call it progress?

;-) Brad Mayer, Oakland, CA

Heh, Herman de Tolenaere hallacinated seeing Burford, Casey & Pugliese in a B-52 a while back. http://csf.colorado.edu/mail/wsn/2000/msg01384.html Time to climb back in the cockpit with Denitch & Rieff?!?! Brad, you make a better marxist by far than proyect or this de Tollenaere character or Mine Doyren saying I must be an agent of American intelligence, but the distortion and invective is not really that helpful.

Michael Pugliese, trying not to reach for that handy, not always accurate stalinist tag for polemical opponents but, it gets trying when the other side refuses to represent the other(s) of the argument w/o rancor. No wonder why the Old Left intelligentsia produced so many neo-cons...

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