Kosova Redux

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Mon Jan 29 15:15:15 PST 2001

Boiling down Seth's points. 1) Kostunica as bad as Milosevic? Someone who translated the Federalist Papers and got thrown off a law faculty in '74 has more honor (I'll leave aside his doubtless pro-privatization views as a bourgeois liberal, but Milo and his clique really were privatizers under Socialist garb. How many billions spirited away to banks in Cyprus?) in his toenails than Milosevic and co. have in their entire being. 2) Serbian political culture being irredeemble? Any reading through of Robert Thomas, "The Politics of Serbia in the 90's, " from Columbia Univ. Press in '99, (or, "The Road To War In Serbia, " ed. by Nebojsa Popov, published by Central European Univ. Press in 2000) would see a large spectrum from neo-fascists like the Radicals in Seselj's party (Yoshie, you missed the almost permanent presence of these thugs in one of your posts on the SSP/JUL), "moderate" nationalists like that clown Draskovic, social democrats and liberals like Vesna Pesic, the "Red Bourgeoisie" in the JUL, and splinter groups from the SSP(?) like this new group...>-----Original Message----- From: Michael Pugliese <debsian at pacbell.net> To: prada at beotel.yu <prada at beotel.yu> Date: 17 January, 2001 10:05 PM Subject: Re: On Partija rada

...>Yes, there was a split in Milosevic's SPS. Two new party's are founded. Our Party dont see any other left wing party here since SPS caused many crimes with their nationalistic policy, JUL supported them (not to mention that biggest capitalists are in JUL), and NKPJ (New Communist Party of Yugoslavia) never had a courage to accuse SPS and JUL. Even now they collaborate on one or other way. I do not want to speak about them any more since they do not have any influence on working class. If you have some questions about our Party, I'll be glad to answer. Also, I put you on our list, so you will receive everything what we send via Internet.
>Michael Pugliese

Revolutionary greetings, Milan

3)Bernard Kouchner, ignoring the Kosovars? Chirac? J. Fischer? I don't think

so. 4) EU military force? Well if the Europeans had got their act together and gave the finger to NATO and the Pentagon in the early 90's when Bosnian Muslims were being slaughtered by the Karazdic forces in the Bosnian Serb paras maybe alot of civilians would have lived. Maybe not the 200,000 that died but, some. Here is the weak point of the pacifist/anti-imperialist case. Burford/Denitch et.al. in the laptop bombadier brigade (really send in ground troops option, make US/UK etc. home front own up to the costs & consequences of Imperial Power, instead of relying on air power which is wildly inaccurate and created much 'collaterial damage") made a combined strategic and moral case just as folks like say, David McReynolds or Chomsky did. And all this seems to me to be a residue from the feelings and analyses brought up during the Vietnam War re: empire and cold war revisionism ala Kolko et.al. and the stance taken towards projections of US power, hypocrisy of imperial policy makers bla bla bla. 5) DU, Racek, Rambouillet. I dunno on all those. Course that is "our" party line in the NATOpolititan left. What did C.Wright Mills say about Daniel Bell again? On DU, I'm inclined to believe the worst but see this volumnious webpg.from a source that Jared Isreal found of value during the bombings. http://www.siri-us.com/issues.html Rambouillet? See a book from Cambridge Univ. Press (damn browser isn't popping up, otherwise I'd have the cite handy) published recently. Title something like_Crisis in the ex-yugo: A Diplomatic History in Documents. Also the newly published vol. from Brookings by Dalder and Hanlon. "NATO's Crusade" Also, Tim Judah's book from Yale Univ. Press on the war. "Kosovo:War & Revenge" 6) Finally for now, another source to complement the RFE stuff, in the spirit of the horses mouth dept. Institute for War & Peace Reporting out of London. And the Belgrade Media Center (I think, damn browser, maybe it is another website) publishes translations from Serbian newspapers and magazines, both "independent" and (before October) pro-Milosevic, like Politika and many others. And loon, Bob Djurdjevic of Truth In Media. I never miss reading his e-mails. From Christian Identity fascists to ex-Maoists he sends his stuff everywhere. Michael Pugliese

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