Jude & Slobo

Eric Beck rayrena at thing.net
Tue Jul 3 11:43:32 PDT 2001

Maybe Jude should hire a fact checker and/or copy editor:

>A Fair Trial for Milosevic?
>Memo To: Attorney General John Ashcroft
> From: Jude Wanniski
> Re: Hurray for Ramsey Clark
>Imagine what it would have been like if Richard
>Nixon or Jerry Ford had been indicted by the Hague Tribunal as war
>criminals, for their complicity of the massacre of Vietnamese civilians at
>My Lai,

Nixon didn't get elected until eight months after My Lai happened, and it was full six years before Ford wandered aimlessly, though affably, through the White House.

>or Sen. John Kerry dragged before the court for his slaughter of

Or Bob Kerry, whichever.

>President Bill Clinton was clearly a war criminal, having bombed
>a Sudan aspirin factory and killing several folks in the process (not to
>mention the Iraqi civilians who got in the way of his wag-the-dog bombing
>attacks). What do we do if he is indicated?

I don't know, contraindicate him?


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