global warming: disastrously worse

Rob Schaap rws at
Thu Jul 12 08:08:36 PDT 2001

>Brussels has still not given up hope of progress and argues that
>Japan and Australia remain committed to the Kyoto objectives, and to
>the discussions in Bonn.

'Fraid that, even though Oz stands to lose more by global warming than the US, and even though Oz copped unbeleievably good terms at Kyoto, our government does not sound the slightest committed to the Kyoto objectives. Senator Robert Hill's public position is that if the US won't do it, we'll get competed to death in the near term, and it's better to risk probable medium-term global disaster than certain short-term disaster. We do have a federal election due by Xmas, but our Blairclintons are remaining singularly ambiguous on the issue.

Can't be too cross with 'em - it's a bipartisan article of Australian tradition that we emulate policies only after they've proven disastrous in Britain or America ...

Cheers, Rob.

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