Proust & Leisure (was intellectual)

Dennis Robert Redmond dredmond at
Thu Jul 12 10:44:00 PDT 2001

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Ted Winslow wrote:

> Yoshie quoted Jameson trying unimaginatively to imagine the "unimaginable"
> as "_gossip_":

Unimaginative? Have you ever read Proust? Deeply subversive, radical stuff, powerfully resistant to monopoly capitalism, just like the other great progressive modernisms, from Brecht to Chaplin. Proust constructs a world of use-values, utterly antagonistic to the Wilsonian ideologies of the 1910-20 era, and thus cancels out his own class habitus (the wealthy rentier) by means of a revolution in aesthetic form. In the midst of the tangled undergrowth of bourgeois art-forms, Proust glimpses a radically proletarian utopia: the freedom to harvest the fruits of one's own labor.

-- Dennis

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