
Forstater, Mathew ForstaterM at umkc.edu
Thu Jul 12 11:42:37 PDT 2001

the 'analogy' (or general category, really) for political zionism is not 'third world' nationalism (of which modern Pan-Arab nationalism is one manifestation), but colonialism. third world nationalism was a reaction against colonialism, while pol. zionism was colonialism itself.

Nathan Newman wrote:

>Israel is the product of a whole set of historical acts, decisions and
>persons made in this century, not the only possible realization of the
>wideranging set of aspirations that came under the term Zionism, or
>come under the term "nationalism" in any context.
>All forms of nationalism have an exclusionary element by their very
>that in state form may be realized, but that is true for almost every
>nation, including Arab nationalism and the whole sub-set of religious
>ethnic hierarchies that exist around the world. But that is a general
>phenomena that, unless we are going to condemn all nationalisms in all
>senses, should confine human rights campaigns to its manifestations in
>particular states and leave the ethnic collective guilt to one side.

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