>>> afenelon at zaz.com.br 07/11/01 10:26PM >>>
Funny, I had just joined this list to find out (amongst other things) why it seemed to be so quiet with respects to the genocide happening in Palestine.
Any ideas as to why there is so little discussion of the Palestinian issue on the list then?
-I don t think the word genocide is correct here. Off course, I m not -an Israeli apologist. But Israel s scorched land policy towards the/ -Palestinians seems to be designed to force them to leave their lands, -but not to exterminate them.
CB: UN legal definition of genocide does not require that the effort be to exterminate a group, just that they are killed or otherwise mistreated because they are members of a group
But on your question, I don t know why -it is happening. There were a lot of discussion on this events in the -beginning, but as it turned a low intensity counter insurrectional war, -our interest (including mine) decreased a lot. Also must be considered -that the Palestinian movement seems to be unable to offer a progressive -alternative to the current situation (and the Israeli left has a par- -ticularly repelent stance towards the current events)