
Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Fri Jul 13 09:31:04 PDT 2001

AAARRRGGGHH! More registered Democrats voted for Bush in Florida, than the 97K that voted for Nader. And Gore lost his home state and West Virginia because of "gun control" ~ i.e. Gore's perceived distance from Middle American Virtue. Despite the fact that as a Congressman he was anti-abortion and was eager at one time to accept the help of rabid homophobe, Rev. Fred Phelps of, "God Hates Fags, " and "Matthew Shephard Is In Hell!" infamy. Michael Pugliese

----- Original Message ----- From: <LeftUnity-Int at yahoogroups.com> To: <LeftUnity-Int at yahoogroups.com> Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 7:47 AM Subject: [LeftUnity-Int] Digest Number 101

1. NaderHatersUSA

From: "Martin" <mgreen at nettally.com>

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Message: 1

Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 20:00:49 -0400

From: "Martin" <mgreen at nettally.com> Subject: NaderHatersUSA

You are invited to join a new Democratic egroup targeting Ralph Nader and his plans to disrupt the elections of 2002 and 2004 - called NaderHatersUSA (NaderHatersUSA-subscribe at yahoogroups.com).

Clearly the presidential election of 2000 was so close that any one of a number of variables being different would have changed the outcome in favor of the environment, working families and education. Instead, the election was decided by what turned out to be 538 votes in the contested state of Florida. Democrats all across the country are still furious about the way that the Republicans conspired to steal the election.

Surely the Republicans did use their muscle to prevent the last Florida votes from being counted. But sadly, the problem with the Florida vote was not the 9,000 uncounted votes in Dade County, but the 97,000 votes Ralph Nader got throughout the state of Florida --through lies, deceits and low-road campaigning -- all targeted at the Democratic nominee Al Gore. In our democracy, everyone has the right to express their ideas and to run for public office, including third-party candidates. But Nader was not simply "expressing his ideas", but rather, he lied about Gore and misrepresented his positions and his record for crass political gain.

Unfortunately many good Democrats wistfully idealized the Nader campaign and never challenged the half-truths and slanders he used against Gore. This softened Gore's support and actually drew enough well-intentioned Democrats away from the party to put Bush in the position to steal the thing in Florida. Now that Nader has successfully installed George W. Bush in the White House, he is making speeches and raising money... preparing to ensure Bush's reelection in 2004. We must act now to expose his lies and keep him out of the next Presidential race. If we can generate interest in letter-writing campaigns or a boycott of Nader front organizations, we can show him that we will not stand by and let him destroy or "co-opt" the Democratic party with his lies and old- style dirty campaigning. Let's work together to make Nader pay for what he's done to this country and to the world, and stop him from doing it again in 2004.

To sign up for NaderHatersUSA, go to NaderHatersUSA- subscribe at yahoogroups.com. It's free, and all Democrats who are interested in unity, progressive issues and victory are invited to join.

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