no, creating a subjugated other requires creating the dominant ONE. that's why it's racist max. sheesh. this is not a new idea on LBO and it definitely isn't a new idea on the left.
i've managed to read about 4 posts in this thread and already i'm nauseated. i freakin' cannot believe that LBO has been alive since 1998 and people here are tossing around the idea that there is "really" race.
Race being real? Read some more posts. I don't think anybody has said that.
As to the first point, sheesh I have to disagree. Asians, Africans, and Europeans, for instance, can all be anti-semitic. In so being, they are not creating a 'dominant one.' A group of people --such as Israeli jews of widely disparate backgrounds-- can harbor racist feeling towards others without any coherent racial idea of their own.