><snipped entire post that yoshie feels impelled to leave intact despite
>the existence of an archive>
is there some reason you need to leave the entire post intact in order to respond to it. have you ever noticed that doug doesn't do such a thing? try it sometime, you might just be contributing to a better world. people have been telling you that it costs doug 200$/month to run this thing. do you realize that this it costs $5/month to run a list a panix.com for basic services at panix (100Megabyte transfer per month) <http://www.panix.com/corp/mailserv.html#mlist> Doug is then charged for k-wattage over that.
is this what a socialist world looks like? we just squander resources for the heck of it and without reason? someone else pays for it, so just waste and use it to your heart's content, right?