>>> jkschw at hotmail.com 07/24/01 04:39PM >>>
>CB: Hey, I went to school at U of Mich, wondered about philo. Later Justin
>went to U of Mich, and took the philo bull by the horns. And we both advise
>our young colleague to get with historical materialism
No time like the present.
CB: Sorry for getting nostalgic
> >
> >I'm a sophomore trying to decide between English and philosophy. In any
> >event, I plan on whoring myself out as a lawyer.
> >
>Ahem. As an attorney, I represent that remark.
>CB: Sounds like a budding pragmatist to me.
Speak for yourself, Charles, I gotta go now and do some justice.
CB: That is destined, JUSTin