Cincinnati & the X Factor

Gordon Fitch gcf at
Wed Jul 25 18:01:50 PDT 2001

Wojtek Sokolowski:
> Let's see. When druggies and assorted undesirables are effectively
> banished from the burbs by a combination of housing pricing, lack of public
> transportation, and policing - that goes mostly unnoticed. However, when
> the said druggies and undesirables are banished from housing projects
> designed for the poor - the liberals cry foul and raise stink.
> ...

It was my impression that it was the _inhabitants_ that didn't like the police activities. That's what the story says. Admittedly, it was written by a liberal, so maybe it's a lie -- but it more or less corresponds with my experience in my little slum. Anyway, let's assume it's true. It is not hard to figure out if you put a little effort into it, but I'll spell it out. In the 'burbs, it's okay to use, as long as you do it behind closed doors and buy somewhere else. In the slums, there are no doors that can't be kicked open, and there is no somewhere else for scoring. So the inhabitants resent -- they're not being treated with suburban grace.

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