Ethical foundations of the left

Dennis Robert Redmond dredmond at
Wed Jul 25 22:02:15 PDT 2001

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Kelley Walker wrote:

> have you read legitimation crisis? how about the stuff on social
> movements? how about the historical sociology of the public sphere?

Sure have. They're pretty good as a portrait of Central European social democracy in its full Brandt-era bloom -- but pretty far from an analysis of Eurocapitalism, the Eurostate, or its constituent components; his frame of analysis is the welfare-state, ethnically homogenous nation-state. We're living through the tumultuous birth-hour of a variety of global public spaces, so there are probably places where his stuff is useful, but only Pierre Bourdieu has gone the distance towards a genuine Eurosociology, with all these wondrously subversive and useful categories like the habitus, the field, symbolic capital and symbolic domination, etc., concepts capable of taking on trillion-euro beasts like Deutsche Bank on their own turf.

-- Dennis

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