FW: [ASDnet] Are the Black Bloc police agents?

Christopher Rhoades Dÿkema crdbronx at erols.com
Thu Jul 26 08:12:33 PDT 2001

Carrol cites a few good examples. Another is the outlandish career of Yevno Azev, the Russian Socialist Revolutionary Party's assassin, who was a clear-cut police agent. His comrades finally began to suspect him, though he was extremely plausible (typical psychopathic feature) and held a meeting to discuss the issue. He convinced them to let him go down the street to get definitive evidence of his innocence and never came back.

Similarly, there were the double agents who assassinated Plehve, the Russian Interior Minister. Also, Father Gapon, who founded the police-dominated labor union whose demonstration, and its violent suppression, set off the Revolution of 1905.

Many of these people probably were sincerely unclear about just where their loyalties lay and just what they were doing. We have to consider that when a left includes groups that are clandestine, there is a great tendency towards grandiosity of thought among their members, and a corresponding vulnerability to flattery by agents.

On the other side, police agents can form an impression of themselves that also is grandiose, a mirror on the right of the clandestine left. They are capable of concluding that right-wing politicians are just petty compromisers and bumping them off in service to a higher cause is no big deal. Also too, some cops have a distorted class ressentiment, and justify their partial alliance with terrorists on the left along those lines.

I used to know old eastern European communists who had had to grapple with those issues early in the twentieth century, and these are still similar problems. Neither pacifism, nor its twin, armed struggle is a complete strategic approach for the left, though one seems more conventionally acceptable than the other.

Christopher Rhoades Dÿkema

Carrol Cox wrote:

> I haven't followed this thread, so I don't know about this event
> specifically, but it has often happened that police killed their agents
> or each other. An amusing case in Detroit 30 some years ago. The cops
> raided a private poker game -- in which the participants happened to be
> police, who naturally shot back at what they thought were thugs breaking
> in, etc. etc.
> But I still tend to believe that the SLA was at its core police agents
> who got double-crossed by their masters and slaughtered to prevent
> exposure. And I believe that the Russian group who assassinated the
> Grand Duke consisted mostly of Czarist secret police, whose motive was
> to maintain a sufficient threat to justify their own existence. Cops are
> untrustworthy in all directions.
> Carrol
> Carrol

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