posner on bush v. gore (was RE: Ethical foundations of the left)

budge budge at el-pleasant.org
Thu Jul 26 13:59:50 PDT 2001

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Kirsten Neilsen wrote:
> i read the NYT review of dershowitz's and posner's
> forthcoming books about bush v. gore and thought that
> posner's defense of the decision, as reported by the
> reviewer, to be remarkable. posner seems to find no
> legal justification for the decision but concludes
> nevertheless that the decision was correct because it
> was good for the country. i haven't read the book (yet),
> and am well aware of the dangers of relying on a book
> review for an accurate summary of a (possibly) complex
> 250+ page argument. still i thought it worth sharing.

You can read his own words short of reading the book in a recent (2,3 issues ago) _Harper's_. It was one of those discussion thingies where there was an opposing viewpoint to his as well. I thought his argument lame and not at all persuasive, particularly for someone who appears to be pretty bright. (Unfortunately, ny scanner has just given up the ghost or I'd scan and post it.)

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