FW: [ASDnet] Are the Black Bloc police agents?

Christopher Rhoades Dÿkema crdbronx at erols.com
Fri Jul 27 07:24:37 PDT 2001

Gordon Fitch wrote:

> What sort of moralism is not narcissistic? This is probably
> not a rhetorical question. I mean, isn't the central figure
> in the moral drama oneself (even if projected) and the awful
> presence or absence of one's goodness?

What I had in mind was people who saw their moral status in terms of the purity of their opposition to targets defined as evil, and denounced others who took more nuanced views or who thought in more generally complex terms as class-compromisers, or whatever. This guilt-trip created a golden opportunity for police agents, which was what this thread was discussing originally. Christopher Rhoades Dÿkema

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