>>> debsian at pacbell.net 07/29/01 02:03PM >>>
http://www.hup.harvard.edu/contents/HERDIV_toc.html "A divided Germany occupied the front line of the Cold War, with the result that politicians had an opening to manipulate the Nazi past to serve new purposes. In both Germanys, in different ways, such manipulation distorted the memory of Nazism and impeded natural justice. In his valuable new book, Divided Memory, Jeffrey Herf describes the causes and effects of this depressing outcome...Germans themselves have had to decide exactly what the response to Nazism ought to be. As Mr. Herf shows, they too often set about it expediently and evasively...Germany is reintegrated now, but the devious ways that its people came to terms with their past have left much shadow."
CB: Michael, like they say in Harlan County, which side are you on ?