Ethical foundations of the left

Luke Weiger lweiger at
Sun Jul 29 18:29:08 PDT 2001

>If I say, "I like Brecht" and you ask why, and
> I say, "Just cause." This doesn't give us any insight. It's
> pathetic.But if I say, "I like Brecht because he grasped... and
> because... is illustrated,
> and this lead me to ... the insight that... which is
> important because...
> and when I say what Benjamin did with this..." That's different. We >
start arguing about it, and we use reasons to develop the claims
> that we want to
> make ... and if you read Brecht and watch "In the Company of >Men" you'll
see that he speaks to us today....

"In the Company of Men." Yuck.

-- Luke

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