Zell Miller on the Dems Southern Problem

Max Sawicky sawicky at bellatlantic.net
Mon Jun 4 06:05:46 PDT 2001

. . . Zell's own contradictions are on full display but with a rational explanation, surprisingly blunt or cleverly convoluted to keep support from all, but he basically says his goal is to pass universal health care and massive increases in education spending. And the best way to do that? Give a big fat tax cut to the rich to establish "trust" with the American people, citing the way Kennedy's tax cuts in the early 60s paved the way for Johnson's Great Society. . .

That's what I've been saying too, not that anyone has been listening. The question is, why did he have to support Bush's tax cut? He could have advanced progressive alternatives, as big as he liked, and established trust with the people likely to support health care and education. He could have bargained w/Bush to make the proposal better, coming out of the chute. Instead he just rubber-stamped it.


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