Kristol: conservative era waning

David Hearne ottercrk at
Mon Jun 4 12:30:24 PDT 2001

>This is the conclusion of an article in the Saturday Washington Post.
>Kristol is William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard:
>>The conservative era that began with Richard Nixon is waning. "It
>>feels like we're at the end of this period in American politics,"
>>Kristol said.

I need to read the whole article, but what exactly does Kristol mean by the 'end of this period?' It seems as if the things pushed most forcibly by conservatives -- deregulation, faith in the marketplace, the dismantling of the welfare state, tax cuts -- are still popular with the general public. If they're not popular with the public, then they surely have strong support among powerful forces within the government. Or am I mistaken?

-- David

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