I can tell similar stories I experienced at UCSC - during a protest against the Persian Gulf war a proposal was made to join forces with the striking workers (mostly Latino) in the nearby agribusiness firm Green Giant. However, the 'lefty' crowd chose to picket a politicians's office and run a farce titled "artistic interpretations of war." Several months later, union reps approached student organizations asking them to cancel a graduation recpetion at a posh beach restaurant due to management-labor dispute. The students refused, the reception was attended by the oh-so-radical students and the faculty. Only a few joined the picket line and derived a mildly sadistic pleasure from lookingd their professors in the eye, as they were sneaking through the picket line.
A few people here and there (living wage demos at JHU were rather thinly attended too) does not change the basic fact that the academic 'left' is for the most part a joke, face-saving rationalizations serving the psychtherapy crowd or status-seeking careerist.