Fwd: Welcome to the land of the politically correct

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Tue Jun 12 15:14:09 PDT 2001

At 05:26 PM 6/12/01 -0400, Nathan wrote:
>Why folks on this list are so adamant about the marginal importance of left
>protest after Seattle et al, the mass rallies against police brutality,
>increasing union militancy, and the campus anti-sweatshop mobilizations is
>beyond me.

Because it takes the form of identity politics whose usual implications are embracing various forms of weirdness, intellectual mumbo-jumbo, and celebrity cults with zero appeal to people who have to earn their living instead of living off their trust funds. I would rather see a "bread and butter" organizing, unions, and party discipline.

While we are at that, why did not you mention the unioninzation of NYU graduate workers which was a *major* union victory against academic estabslishment, a bread-and-butter remarkably free of usual symbolic contents?


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