Nepal palace massacre

Johannes Schneider Johannes.Schneider at
Mon Jun 18 07:27:57 PDT 2001

Yoshie Furuhashi asked:

> >
> >The right wing communists, the Communist Party of Nepal (United
> >Marxist-Leninist) - normally referred to as the UML or the "mailais" -
> >who form the official opposition in the parliament to the Nepali
> >Congressi government, announced yesterday that after a review of the
> >commission's work that they have "taken the report in a positive note."
> >But according to the quite reactionary South China Post, lots of Nepalis
> >are not going along with the official script.
> >
> >john mage
> Is the widespread disbelief of the official "explanations" a chance
> for the Nepal Communist Party (Maoist) to expand their influence to
> urban areas?

I think you do not have to be an expert to see how the Nepal Communist Party (Maoist) is the only political force to oppose the offical version will benefit, while the whole establishment supports the government version.

Mostly the base of the UML will be attracted by the CPN(Maoist), given the right-ward drift of the UML. Yesterday the UML formed an electoral alliance with the royalist RPP (instead of supporting the leftist National People's Front).

See: ex1.htm#1


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