Moynihan on Social Security "Woes"

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Mon Jun 18 09:39:24 PDT 2001

"What? You meaning "putting money in the trust fund" has all been one enormous fraud? That's it's been used to milk extra taxes out of working people in order to pay for huge tax cuts for the rich, once under Reagan and now again under Bush? Without doing *one goddam thing* to save Social Security? What pompous ranting fraud ever convinced the American public this was a good idea? Was it . . Daniel Patrick Moynihan? And was it because it because he was a complete ignoranums or a lying sack of shit? . . . "

mbs: Calm down Mikey. The fund is not a fraud. It's a record of contributions in excess of cost, and this record has great political import, IMO. What happens to the cash is on the Gov, not on Soc Sec.

Whether Moynihan screws us is not a foregone conclusion. I think there's a 50-50 chance the Commission will block the Bushies. Not great odds, to be sure.

The recent tax cut defeat has got me thinking that perhaps a diversion of the Trust Fund surplus into a single account that held private-sector assets wouldn't be such a bad thing. This would not have to be limited to stocks, obviously. The lack of tangible assets arguably makes use of the surplus for lousy tax cuts more feasible. It would be another matter for the Fund to sell off actual financial assets to finance a tax cut.

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