What is 'Neo-Liberalism'

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Fri Jun 22 08:41:46 PDT 2001

Brad DeLong wrote:

>Isn't it time to admit that Chile's *economic* development strategy
>over the past thirty years has been, broadly, a success? Chilean per
>capita GDP has doubled since 1980--and increases in inequality have
>been modest...

Brad, I don't like it when people bait you as some sort of crypto-fascist, but really - do you think rounding up people in soccer stadiums and killing them is a good foundational economic development strategy? I haven't even mentioned the privatized pension system that covers only half the workforce, or the tuition bills for public schools.

>And isn't it time to admit that NAFTA did not significantly decrease
>wages in the United States?

Yes. I'm with you on this one.


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