>And those kinds of socialists are the fascist-minded ones.
Swedish social democrats and Fabians?
A quick web search turns up:
* Sweden and other Scandinavian countries sterilized 60,000 in pursuit of eugenic policies
* In a 1907 Fabian pamphlet, Sidney Webb deplored the falling British birthrate at a time "when children are being freely born to the Irish Roman Catholics and to the Polish, Russian and German Jews, on the one hand, and to the thriftless and irresponsible on the other. This can hardly result in anything but national deterioration, or, as an alternative, in this country gradually falling to the Irish and the Jews." Of course the Webbs were big on this stuff; elsewhere, they wrote, "What we as eugenists have got to do is to 'scrap' the Old Poor Law with its indiscriminate relief of the destitute as such and replace it by an intelligent policy of so altering the social environment as to discourage or prevent the multiplication of those irrevocably below the National Minimum of Fitness."
There's more at <http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/philo/courses/bioethics/Papers/GeneBook/CH2.html>. And I'm sure Marta is full of info on this.
Using the word "fascist" to describe them is too convenient.