:Fascism" Re: China Fascism weeds out the "unfit" from higher education

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Mon Jun 25 12:51:49 PDT 2001

Carrol, what's her name is Jeanne Kirkpatrick. Need some gincko(sic.?) Helps with memory. In fact I need some!

Re: Totalitarianism: Pre-dates the Cold War Liberals, the category, label, that is. First usage, late 20's, by German leftists. See, "The Lost Debate: German Socialist Intellectuals and Totalitarianism, " William David Jones, Univ. of Illinois Press. Blurbed by Doug Kellner and Stephen Eric Bronner. http://www.press.uillinois.edu/f99/jones.html

"Totalitarianism The Inner History of the Cold War ABBOTT GLEASON http://www.oup-usa.org/isbn/0195050185.html

New Leftish critique of Totalitarian thesis, see collection of essays by Thomas Patterson, title is something like, "The Merger of the Image of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia in the 40's: "Red Fascism", " originally in the AHR or JAH in 1970. Michael Pugliese P.S. I agree with Carrol, that fascism has to be a strictly delimited term. For the best on fascism, from a poli sci guy, see Roger Griffin. http://www.brookes.ac.uk/schools/humanities/staff/hirg.html

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