China Fascism weeds out the "unfit" from higher education

Nathan Newman nathan at
Tue Jun 26 16:18:36 PDT 2001

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chip Berlet" <cberlet at>

>Actually, contrary to several off-list complaints, I am not red-baiting
>Nathan Newman or Charles Brown, I am saying they are using definitions
>of fascism that the Comintern articlulated, but which have been
>discredited over the last 30 years throughout social science.

Chip, I didn't think you were redbaiting, although how we could both be parroting the Comintern when we are violently disagreeing with each other on definitions is beyond me.

My argument was one of politically provocative analogy of China to those identified states historically known as fascist. I find any social science attempt to formulate some "objective" definition of fascism outside of the whole complex of rhetorical, economic and social meanings of the term to be a pretty fruitless goal.

But I'll bite- what is your thumbnail definition of fascism? And does China fit any of its categories?

-- Nathan Newman

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