China Fascism weeds out the "unfit" from higher education

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Wed Jun 27 11:22:24 PDT 2001

CB: The definition of "fascism" should start by looking at Italian _Fascism_ don't you think ? Then to Nazi Germany. Then to an analysis of the class formation, which was state-monopoly capitalism, imperialism, like the USA today. A key element of fascism was anti-communism and anti-Sovietism.

Cf. "Why Did The Heavens Not Darken?, " by Arno Mayer. (Jeesh, first three hits on google were the Holocaust Denialists at IHR and a similiar German journal, , aargh! ) A controversial thesis of Mayer's book was the emphasis on the Nazis anti-Bolshevism.

Mayer's newest book, "The Furies, " is focused on the post-revolutionary Thermidorean bloodbath in France and the Stalinist era. "A remarkable new insight into the comparative social dynamics of revolutions and terrors, which provides very strong arguments against common stereotypes and misleading conservative interpretations."--Pierre Bourdieu Michael Pugliese

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