BK on Identity

JC Helary helary at eskimo.com
Thu Mar 1 11:18:51 PST 2001

> And so it *can* be in the interest of some, many, most whites
> or men to protect their advantages. It seems that to ignore this
> is to invite peril. Or futility.
> Dennis Breslin

maybe as individuals, struggling individualy for their personal interests, racism/sexism does benefit them in the sense that the more you divide a group (class) the less there is room for group interests and the more for personal interests (that can be reconstructed as group (white) interest later by ideology ??) i am not sure about the exact words sartre used in his 'reflexions sur la question juive' plus i won't attempt a translation, it sounds basically like the dominant class does not 'care' about antisemitism they support it because of their interest as a class. and their interest is to abolish the consciousness of class. if there are no classes, there are no class struggle and they are safe. sexism and racism is an attempt to build vertical separations that they can control because they are at the top of the vertical structure. in the 'horizontal' separation of class they are not on top, they are on par (?) they depend on labor to exist. whites don't depend on racial monorities to exist even though it may make their existence easier. id for men/women.

there was a mention of 'psychological' benefits comming with this vertical separation. i wonder what is meant here. what kind of benefits are associated to hate, violence, sexual abuse ? i am no psy but i have the feeling the psychological benefits refered to here are just a perverse way of satifying frustrated desires associated with the capitalist division of labor. everything that can't be satisfied under class exploitation is converted into desire to oppress and thus the necessity to create an oppressed ???

jc helary

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