BK on Identity

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Fri Mar 2 21:56:27 PST 2001


>It may be that in the very long run it would be in white workers'
>(narrowly defined material) interest to become antiracists, but that
>in the short to medium term they gain (in narrowly defined material
>terms), with the additional psychological bonus of membership in an
>alleged master race. Ditto men vs. women. The long term would
>require great risks associated with radical agitation and social
>transformation, but the short- to medium-term gain of racism can be
>had without really shaking things up.

Let's set aside the long run for the moment. Do white workers gain _increases in real wages & social programs that outpace rises in productivity_ by practicing racism _even in the very short term_?


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