Mr Horowitz, I apologize for calling you an internet troll at the DailyCal letters site. I believe in civil discourse and democratic debate, and a politically correct pal at Berkeley told me that this was definitely insensitive. I hope that you still will speak with Kelso Barnett of the 'Patriot' at Berkeley about coming here. What I would still like to bring up with you is your position that you would only debate a black person. It is my position that this contradicts your frequent argument that leftist black leaders act as unappointed representatives of all black americans. Why would Tim Wise be a european jewish person falsely representing the 'black position', (as if there is one) any more than a black debater. These are *abstract* political positions, you know. In my unscientific poll of my boyfriend and two housemates who are black or part black, none of them have heard of Randall Robinson (nor had I), and all thought of the reparations for slavery issue as a nonsequitur that only a couple obscure people even talk about, besides you. I know I don't support reparations for slavery in the way that you have laid out - I'm german and the issue comes up more frequently there, young germans resenting payments for decisions made by people who are all older than 80. My friends were particularly unhappy about the items in your ad about how black people 'owing a debt to america' or having received welfare payments as a form of reparation - and these are some areas where I think there is very suitable grounds for a democratic debate. So they don't want this Randall Robinson guy put in a position of representing 'the black people' because he's black. Tim Wise and Robinson and you all represent both yourselves specifically, and the group of people who side with that abstract political position. I sent out an email to the 'berkeleyleft' egroups student list seeing if they knew of an appropriate person on campus for a debate, and those guys were engrossed with talking about Nike shoes, and they said basically 'Horowitz's ad wasn't racist, but it was false and baiting. we don't care, and we should ignore him.' So I don't think they rank slavery reparations as a big issue, but they do care about other race issues on campus. --
Christine Petersen (ottilie at Berkeley, CA 3/4/01
Horowitz responds: Calling me a "coward" was actually what I thought you should apologize for. It's still not too late to do so.
There is no reason to come to Cal to debate anyone except those involved in this particular dispute, or representing the reparations cause. Mr. Wise is irrelevant to this dispute. Mr. Wise can have his debate with me over anything he wishes, anytime, anywhere, provided he finds some person or group who will come up with my honorarium and expenses, because that's the way I ration my time. I am willing to do a Berkeley debate with the other side and wave my honorarium because I obviously started something there I am not going to let them have any excuse to walk away from it.
------ This is directed to all those who "demand" reparations. You are vile and repulsive thieves, intellectually and morally corrupt. I have never owned a gun, but I will get one, and use it, before I pay one cent to assuage your preposterous, psychopathic,-- and evil--, sense of entitlement.
sac Chicago, Illinois 3/3/01
I'm not for slavery, but blacks (which were sold by other blacks) were lucky to have made it to America. They were treated much better than their slave brothers that remained in Africa. Many masters treated their slaves with kindness and generosity.
Reparations are another way of terrorizing whites into giving blacks free handouts, like Jesse Jackson's shakedown of US corporations. Do we have to give out reparations for every group that was enslaved from the beginning of time? Do the Greeks ask the Italians for reparations because the Romans enslaved them? What about suing Egypt for enslaving Assyrians?
As for students not wishing to tolerate anti-liberal seems communism is taking hold in a country that used to stand for free speech. It's high time that we should stop catering to the black communicty. If they hate the United States so much, go back to Africa and live in a mud hut. Open your big mouth there, and you'll find your heads lopped off.
James Soto (jsnonicare at NY, NY 3/4/01
I agree with your ten reasons against reparations. I would like to think that I am not a prejudiced person, that I have worked to help black people. I taught special education on a military base for 9 years. I expected black students to achieve and they did. I lived in East new York (part of Brooklyn) as a part of a faith based program of the Churches of Christ. I guess I am trying to give my credentials so that I can say I am totally against reparations. It takes the emphasis off of real solutions.While I was in East New York it was just an accepted fact that some of the worst tenured teachers were teaching at the local public school. This is what should be picketed. Logistically how will you determine who is really black. If you are biracial do you only get a half payment? Or maybe the white half pays the black half? When you take it out of the general revenue you have raised the tax burden on all Americans including black, and after the government takes their bureacratic cut, blacks get it back. What if your grandmother could pass for white and your family is now "white" could you dig up a birth certificate and get a payment. I once had a blue eyed blond headed student who was trying to prove he was Indian so he could get a check from the government. Keep up the common sense arguments. Thanks. Sincerely, Jane Sayers
Jane Sayers (janeannsayers at Springfield, MO 3/4/01