BK on Identity

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Wed Mar 7 06:47:59 PST 2001

>kelley wrote:
>>yes, i'm frustrated because trying to talk about structural
>>oppression is like banging your head against the wall and i see the
>>same problems on LBO -- people are much more interested in locating
>>racism solely in the individual, etc. the whole B&K on identity
>>thread was pretty clear evidence of that, to me.
>If you say that white workers (and male workers) as a group gain
>from racism (or sexism) - how is that locating racism (or sexism) in
>the individual? It's an advantage gained (if it is) by membership in
>the group, and maintaining the advantage requires maintaining the
>group's identity.

Do white workers have a "group identity" with "group interests" separable from a racist & anti-working-class abstraction?

Doesn't the act of telling workers that "racism is in the interest of white workers" basically create the racist & anti-working-class abstraction called "the white working class"?


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