> >>I treat nameless characters in anecdotes exchanged on e-lists as
> >>"muppets." I'm not against muppets, however, if they are used well.
> >>
> >>Yoshie
> >
> >i fail to understand what it has to do with what i typed?
> >
> >kelley
> Discussion on race & class tends to deteriorate when anecdotal
> muppets (my black neighbor, my black friend, etc.) appear. Let's
> stick to exploitation & other structural oppressions instead as you
> argued yourself.
> Yoshie
What, let's understand structure without agency and if we admit agency let's not construct structur[ation] out of a rich phenomenology of individual's experiences? Big tales anti-racits learning and action will do a lot more for our side than Marxian inspired econometrics, even though we need that too even if it doesn't give some the knockdown argument they dream of in their quest for certainty.