Horowitz/Reparations for slavery

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Sat Mar 10 04:12:12 PST 2001

At 09:08 PM 3/9/01 -0500, Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
>Kelley wrote:
>>the whine about morality doesn't fly because you and others who have a
>>problem with it shame and moralize all the time.
>As Gar suggested earlier, if you think that racism is in the interest of
>"white workers," your effort to diminish or abolish racism must rest upon
>an ethical appeal that is not rooted in an objective ground for
>solidarity, instead of political education that seeks, in practice, to
>bring about a realization that racism is not in the interest of the
>working class. The same goes for sexism.

are you naturally obtuse or is it a debate technique? have i not said time and time again that i don't think that racism is in the interest of workers? or even that sexism is the interest of workers. i complained because you are getting on the "morality" kick and it has nothing to do with anything i said and is a dead end discussion that only provides you the opportunity to show us how limber you are when it comes to performative contradictions.

>What theory illuminates your anecdote? You might spell it out.

why should i bother since you don't listen. my theory was perfectly clear in the anecdote pertaining to the woman and her "well paid" housekeeper.


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