Fw: Mass Direct Action in India Planned

Gordon Fitch gcf at panix.com
Wed Mar 14 07:07:27 PST 2001

>>>"According to the libertarian litany, if an industry or an institution is
>>>making a profit, it is satisfying "wants" whose origins and content are
>>>deliberately disregarded. But what we want, what we are capable of wanting
>>>is relative to the forms of social organization. People "want" fast food
>>>because they have to hurry back to work, because processed supermarket food
>>>doesn't taste much better anyway, because the nuclear family (for the
>>>dwindling minority who have even that to go home to) is too small and too
>>>stressed to sustain much festivity in cooking and eating...

Brad DeLong wrote:
> >I don't know about you, but I just don't feel like cooking tonight.
> >And I can have a lot more festivity in cooking and eating by
> >stopping at Uncle Yu's on the way home...

Doug Henwood:
> Ah, yes, immigrant labor provides a market-based replacement for the
> formerly unpaid household labor of women. Festivity can take so many
> forms!

We know that, after the revolution, we will like stawberries, but it has not been explained how we will eat them. Will unstressed, expanded non-nuclear families be provided? Will the immigrants be part of them? What will happen to Uncle Yu, who formerly smoked cigarettes and muttered with suspicious persons in the back of the den?

"When people are happy, festivities are unnecessary."

-- St. Quentin Crisp

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