Class Struggle Is the Name of the Game (was Re: Dope Wars)

Kelley Walker kelley at
Fri Mar 16 13:15:04 PST 2001

At 11:42 AM 3/16/01 -0800, Lisa & Ian Murray wrote:
>This is why I was saying [a few months back] the left needs games to get it's
>perspective across; a radical take on SimEarth and the works of Kate Soper,
>Ynestra King and Iris Marion Young anyone? Political Ecology as a game that
>entices people. If you can put the drug war in a game you can put other
>forms of
>social dynamics in games, forms that catalyze the egalitarian imagination.
>"It's" tucked away somehow/when/where in the lambda calculus.

when my dept would let me teach soc of work (rather than family, i'm a woman after all and of course i should teach family, even if it wasn't my area -- and i'm from an ostensibly feminist dept!! like it matters, the dept chair regularly commented on my looks TO MY STUDENTS and commented on the nice legs of the sex harassment task force co-chair! whatever), i just had two teams. one played monopoly according to the rules, the other team was allowed to break the rules and help each other out.

very eye opening for them


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