Norms of the Sociological Profession (was Re: Medieval Institutions)

Kelley Walker kelley at
Fri Mar 23 20:08:39 PST 2001

At 10:56 PM 3/23/01 -0500, Kelley Walker wrote: finally, i guess i was a little behind justin, but i wrote an aritlce on postermodernism in sociology, just a taste, since i don't want to put out too much. would ruin friday night!:

oh! i'm such an idiot! what i'm i thinking! i wrote about the problems of reflexivity and ideology way before justin in my undegrad thesis on horkheimer, adorno and marcuse: Entrapped in the Present! i realized this bec. the damn intro paragraph to what i forwarded already was written when i was an undergrad, too. oops!


kelley, not as dumb as yoshie thinks i guess and enjoying referencing myself as justin does :)

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