"nodes in a common struggle"

Shane T Taylor s-t-t at juno.com
Mon Mar 26 11:46:51 PST 2001

Here's a tale of one of those "less-visible dispersed instances of rebellion" Doug mentioned in his review of _Empire_.

-- Shane

"Attack of the Mad Shitter" by Paul T. Riddell Originally published in the Hell's Half-Acre Herald (March 19, 2001)



"Everyone has stories of subtle and not-so-subtle terrorism intended against their managers or fellow workers in the search for a decent work environment. I remember one manager for an insurance company who found that her serfs spent their lunch breaks at their desks playing computer solitaire because they didn't have enough time to go out and get lunch anywhere else…and contacted the tech department to have all of the built-in computer games removed from every computer in her department. She then had the nerve to look surprised when someone climbed over the fence in her gated community and slashed all four tires on her new BMW. (I was not involved, nor do I know who was, nor do I have any interest in computer games, but considering that this was a company that required its employees to show up to the company picnic and then charged them $20 a head to attend, I understood the motivation.)"


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